Sète les 24 et 28 juillet 2017
Collection "Incertain Jour"
by Patrick Canhan
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About the Book
Une 1ère série murale sur Sète, le ville aux yeux bleus allumés de feux solaires.
Nous sommes le 24 juillet, durant le festival de la Poésie méditerranéenne.. Après une incursion au "Grand Hôtel", une errance, longeant certains murs en bas du quartier italien ...
Une 2ème série consacrée à la fin de journée du 28 juillet. La fraîcheur réorganise Sète., et le festival de sa poésie va prendre ses couleurs nocturnes.
Les récits poétiques ou non se feront à table, en terrasse où à l'abri au fond à "gauche"... Vagabond que je suis je rencontre Sylvestre*, "l'Aboyeur".
Un fou qui hurle furieusement les apocalypses de nos quotidiens. Un chevalier, avec pour simple armure, un hygiaphone fait main ... Je te dédie cette série Sylvestre et j'espère que nos chemins se recroiseront entre ici et la belle Alexandrie. A toi cher innommable nomade ...
Pour découvrir Sylvestre
* http://www.laboyeur.com
ENGLISH : Sète, July 24 and 27, 2017.
A first mural series on Sète, the city with blue eyes lit by solar lights. It's July 24, during the Mediterranean Poetry Festival. After an incursion to the "Grand Hotel", a wandering, skirting some walls down the Italian quarter ...
A second series devoted to the end of the day of July 28th. The freshness reorganizes Sète, and the festival of his poetry will take on its nocturnal colors.
The poetic stories or not will be at the table, on the terrace where the shelter at the bottom to "left" ...
Vagabond that I am I meet Sylvestre *, "the Aborter".
A madman who furiously howls the apocalypses of our dailies.
A knight, with for simple armor, a hand made hygiaphone ...
I dedicate this serie Sylvestre to you and I hope that our paths will meet again here and the beautiful Alexandria.
To you dear unspeakable nomad ...
To discover Sylvestre
* http://www.laboyeur.com
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Arts & Photography Books
Project Option: 5×8 in, 13×20 cm
# of Pages: 64 -
- Softcover: 9781388782764
- Publish Date: Mar 10, 2018
- Language French
- Keywords art, Sète, street art, walls, France, poésie, street shoot
About the Creator
Born in Paris, France, in October 1956, Patrick Canhan takes his first steps in Paris, in the districts of Ménilmontant. His finger will get stuck in the porcelain inkwell of his first school! That was a good start! Since 2009, Patrick Canhan has published a collection of photographics booklets entitled "UNCERTAIN DAY" dedicated to each of his improvised photographic days. Today more than 280 photographic days have given rise to 280 notebooks, published at the author's own expense. These notebooks represent his innumerable wanderings, both in France, in Europe and Asia. Recent exhibitions : Poetry and photography, gallery Christiane Peugeot, Champs-Elysées, Paris, June 2017 6th meeting of photography, Dieppe, France, October, 2017 Salon des Beaux Arts, Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, décember2017 Exhibition in Tokyo, Seoul and Pékin,.June 2018 Exhibition Paris, gallery les Parnassiens, february 2019 Invited as a photographic resident, city of Liévin, France, June 2019