About the Book
Ywing's grandmother gives her a pillow with a butterfly on it designed to give her beautiful dreams.
The adventure begins when Ywing goes to sleep
and dreams of the beautiful butterfly, she names
Seitu Ashato.
Barbara Jaekel Lackovic is an award winning poet. This is her first children's story.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Children’s Books
Project Option: 5×8 in, 13×20 cm
# of Pages: 24 - Publish Date: Nov 03, 2009
- Keywords Children story, bedtime story, butterfly
About the Creator
Drift on a banana-shaped raft. Meet a kissing cow. Pull potatoes from beds. Each an activity you could do at the California ranch of Barbara Jaekel Lackovic. Lackovic's home is a magnet for all ages. Each ranch visitor has a favorite pet. Most popular are Lucille, the kissing cow; Sushi, the coffee-drinking cat; and Lucky, the Barbados sheep, who thinks he's a dog. Day-time activities might include exploring the garden for bugs and butterflies. Lackovic asks guests to pull out a plant she says is a weed -- what guests find to their surprise are potatoes in shades of purple, gold and red. If the weather is warm, guests head to the creek to drift on banana-shaped rafts. Bedtime is popular at the ranch. That is when Barbara makes up stories and encourages listeners to add in their ideas. Lackovic, a retired TV/radio newscaster and corporate public relations consultant, is an award-winning poet.