The Handbook for Integrity in The Department of Justice
by Dennis AuBuchon
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About the Book
This book will look at the processes and procedures in place to determine if changes need to be made to make this department more efficient to ensure all federal laws are enforced to the full extent. Integrity is important for any government entity but no more so than this department. Facts will be presented and in some cases suggestions may be made to improve the function of this department. There must be equal justice under the law and no one is above the law and the responsibility of this department to ensure this is the case.
Recently there have been instances where the media has jumped to conclusions about situations and Congress in their infinite wisdom conducts investigations and draws conclusions. At this point these results are submitted to the Department of Justice for further action. It is the responsibility of this Department to vet all investigations and not just accept conclusions by other entities such as Congress before taking legal action. Laws must be enforced but allegations of crimes must be verified.
About the Creator
I am an author and have been writing for several years. My main focus is on integrity principles in a wide variety of topics. Some examples include political issues, sports, court decisions and congressional legislation among others. To date I have written forty books (Integrity: Do You Have It? 2nd edition and What Makes a Good Audit) are just two of them and over 1000 articles. I have joined several social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Goggle+. On these sites I have connected with many members and have participated in topics posted on the sites. I have a wide degree of personal and professional experience. I have over 25 years experience as a quality auditor and was both an audit team leader and a audit team member.