in studio with tiffany
nude in still life collaboration w tiffany purstone
by daniel jenkins
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About the Book
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Fine Art Photography
Project Option: US Letter, 8.5×11 in, 22×28 cm
# of Pages: 76 - Publish Date: Nov 16, 2019
- Language English
- Keywords photography, still life, fine art nudes, nudes
About the Creator
been a photographer all my life, since i was 12 in 1959, from a family of photographers going back to 1880 in wyoming. yee haa. australia now. oprah's been here. have shot nudes since 1969 all over the world and prefer to only work with amateurs, unashamed exhibitionists and enthusiastic curiosity seekers. i am phototecnically and artistically validated by years at uni, reality-trained by my family and the school of hard knocks, ojt. i love learning, prefer doing. i believe in knowing the rules and understanding how to break them with aplomb and definity. digital sucks but is an inevitability. photoshop is a crutch but if you have an idea for art then it is a painter's brush. soapbox wanker. i see my kind of beauty everywhere but i see truth and fear in the same faces, sometimes an animal that wants to escape. my pictures explore the moment before a smile and diminishes the fake. if you capture the eyes you release the mind and body to the camera. i have weird ideas.