About the Book
Half a year earlier, nothing indicated to me the massive protests
Hong Kong. December 2018: Your evil flowers kill starving children stood in large letters on a damp house wall - a statement that was obviously written in great haste. These words didn't want to reveal their riddles. The ceaselessly bustle and this phrase were
to me the synonym of Hong Kong. A city that did not hide its impenetrable secret in the darkness of the shadow: rather, the glare of everyday and pragmatic activity prevented a clear view of the true state of mind of its inhabitants, even though they were clearly and steadily clear to their eyes every day. Anyone who has experienced the city knows that these people have no illusions, neither romantic nor
to get caught up in ideological pitfalls: they want to determine their own lives and pursue their day-to-day work unhindered. It was only through the concrete demands of the protesters who went through the world press that the "secret" of the city dissolved into nothing for me - and it came to my mind clearly and clearly: the metropolis never had a secret. It was only my view of the city that created it.
Hong Kong. December 2018: Your evil flowers kill starving children stood in large letters on a damp house wall - a statement that was obviously written in great haste. These words didn't want to reveal their riddles. The ceaselessly bustle and this phrase were
to me the synonym of Hong Kong. A city that did not hide its impenetrable secret in the darkness of the shadow: rather, the glare of everyday and pragmatic activity prevented a clear view of the true state of mind of its inhabitants, even though they were clearly and steadily clear to their eyes every day. Anyone who has experienced the city knows that these people have no illusions, neither romantic nor
to get caught up in ideological pitfalls: they want to determine their own lives and pursue their day-to-day work unhindered. It was only through the concrete demands of the protesters who went through the world press that the "secret" of the city dissolved into nothing for me - and it came to my mind clearly and clearly: the metropolis never had a secret. It was only my view of the city that created it.
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Features & Details
- Primary Category: Street Photography
- Additional Categories Arts & Photography Books
Project Option: US Letter, 8.5×11 in, 22×28 cm
# of Pages: 60 - Publish Date: Feb 16, 2020
- Language English
- Keywords Streetphotography
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About the Creator
Gerhard Horion
Mainz, Germany
Gerhard Horion lebt in Mainz. Seit vielen Jahren arbeitet er neben der Photographie auch in anderen graphischen Bereichen wie Gestaltung, Schrift- und Notensatz. Die Photographie entdeckte er erst in späteren Jahren. Rückblickend betrachtet, war es gewiss kein Zufall, dass Horion mit der Photographie in Kontakt kam – er ist überzeugt davon, dass die Idee, zu photographieren, schon lange in ihm reifte. Es war nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis sich durch äußere Umstände dieses Bedürfnis voll entfalten konnte: sei es beispielsweise das wiederholte Vernehmen des staccatohaften Klickens einer Analogkamera oder die minutenlange und eindrückliche Fahrt mit der Draisine in einem Tarkowskifilm.