Signaling Water: Multi-Species Migration and Displacement
by Robin Lasser
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About the Book
Signaling Water is an on-going and developing collaborative public engagement project that includes contributions by students, international artists, researchers, and community members responding to the environmental, social, personal, and political issues surrounding water. This curated version of the exhibition represents the United States premier of the broader project to date. Previous presentations include a festival performance on the San Francisco Bay and both pageant style performances and exhibitions in Paris and Japan.
This full project, inspired by the nautical code system, holds a collection of over 100 flags, 2 signal flag kimonos and documentation of the flags installed as public art and flown in parade performances. Historically used to express notifications for ships at sea, the purpose of the international nautical code system is to provide ways of communication in situations related to safety of navigation and persons, especially when language difficulties arise (ICS-1969). The ICS (International Code Signal) system was originated by the commercial shipping trade and further refined by the military during WWI. Project contributors were asked to consider a new code system for navigating the impacts of climate and environmental change on the migration and displacement of all species. Each brought their own perspective, concerns, and values, but an emphasis on local and global collaboration and cooperation was encouraged. As a testament to the strong resonance of the exhibition with diverse groups of individuals, the works represent nearly every living generation with participants ranging in age from 5 to 89 years.
This full project, inspired by the nautical code system, holds a collection of over 100 flags, 2 signal flag kimonos and documentation of the flags installed as public art and flown in parade performances. Historically used to express notifications for ships at sea, the purpose of the international nautical code system is to provide ways of communication in situations related to safety of navigation and persons, especially when language difficulties arise (ICS-1969). The ICS (International Code Signal) system was originated by the commercial shipping trade and further refined by the military during WWI. Project contributors were asked to consider a new code system for navigating the impacts of climate and environmental change on the migration and displacement of all species. Each brought their own perspective, concerns, and values, but an emphasis on local and global collaboration and cooperation was encouraged. As a testament to the strong resonance of the exhibition with diverse groups of individuals, the works represent nearly every living generation with participants ranging in age from 5 to 89 years.
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