Good sense is a thing all need, few have, and none think they want. B.Franklin Ebook
Patriotism after 911...
by ADerujinsky
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About the Ebook
This book was inspired after 911. I've always had a thing for our fore fathers so decided to use their wise words to capture the feelings of our great people. All the photographs were taken just after 911 by me, as my husband, daughter, and I traveled throughout the northeast. These displays of flags were everywhere, and some were extraordinary tributes to our sorrow at that moment in history. I finally published it now as a reminder for all to share our great dedication to our country and it's fortitude. God bless America, and everyone else!!
Features & Details
- Primary Category: History
- Version Fixed-layout ebook, 22 pgs
- Publish Date: Mar 08, 2013
- Last edit Dec 01, 2014
- Language English
- Keywords Twin Towers, New York City, Benjamin Franklyn, George Washington, famous quotes, American Flags, 9/11.Sept 11th 11 Sept, NYC, Lincoln, patriots, military, flags, americans, terrorism, faith, forefathers, photography, Derujinsky, Flags
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