Life As I See It Ebook
Anita Louise Quintana
by Elizabeth Quintana
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About the Ebook
A small collection of poems written by Anita Quintana. My mother, Anita, started writing during the time my father was ill and dying. She and her sister, Mary, decided to take a couple of writing classes. Annie, as her sisters and friends called her, realized she enjoyed writing and had a knack for it. This small collection is her views on events happening throughout her life. I hope you enjoy reading these poems as much as I do.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Poetry
- Version Fixed-layout ebook, 61 pgs
- Publish Date: Nov 29, 2016
- Last edit Nov 29, 2016
- Language English
- Keywords Poetry, Life, Fiction, Quintana, Non-Fiction
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About the Creator
Liz Quintana
Fresno, CA
I'm a lover of crafts which includes: crocheting, knitting, varieties of paper and beading crafts. I also enjoy reading various genres. However, one of my favorite hobbies is genealogy. I have traced one of my lines back to the late 1500's in Spain but most are from Mexico. One of my books listed pertains to family pictures and some stories and the other book is a collection of poems written by my late mother. Please enjoy these books as much as I do.