Mind Your Christmas Ebook
by Joel Frieders
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About the Ebook
When a small town alderman stops by the house with all the Christmas decorations still up, many months after the holiday, and after many complaints from neighbors, he was probably a little nervous about who and what he was going to find inside. But, both the who and the what, along with the why, were enough to make him reevaluate the simple joys in life and provide him with a sort of Christmas miracle around Arbor Day.
"Mind Your Christmas" is a touching story and perfect reminder for everyone to value every day and cherish the moments inside your own home and family.
"Mind Your Christmas" is a touching story and perfect reminder for everyone to value every day and cherish the moments inside your own home and family.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Children’s Books
- Version Fixed-layout ebook, 54 pgs
- Publish Date: Nov 12, 2017
- Last edit Nov 12, 2017
- Language English
- Keywords christmas, neighbors, alderman, joy, joel frieders
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About the Creator
joel frieders
aurora, il USA
Joel Frieders is husband to Julie, father to Dylan, Leah, & Mason, brother to Lydia, son to Larry & Pat, a recovering musician, former bartender/waiter, current beekeeper, founder of music blog SYFFAL.com, alderman in Yorkville, IL, appreciator of run on sentences, and one hell of a model airplane.