Debra J. Richardson retired as executive director of the Fillmore County Historical Museum and Genealogy Library. During her tenure she published two books on local history and authored a popular weekly column for the Bluff Country Reader newspaper called “Life in the Past Lane.” An avid genealogist, she wrote free-lance for Ancestry magazine and was honored with the Minnesota Genealogical Society Pioneer Explorer Award. She proudly counts among her ancestors three cousins who served under George Armstrong Custer.
Gary W. Stewart has appeared in docudramas, films, and living history events portraying U. S. Seventh Cavalry officers Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer, Capt. Thomas Custer, and Capt. George Yates. Television credits include programs produced by the Smithsonian Channel, History Channel, Discovery Channel, PBS, as well as foreign productions. Most recently he portrayed General Custer in Custer's Strategy of Defeat, a full-length documentary feature.