ADAM SCHALLAU has explored a variety of topics that include the landscape, culture and people of the American Southwest and Rocky Mountains. It is with a profound respect for the land, its people and their history that Adam sets out to recapture the spirit of a place to tell a story through his photography.
Adam’s photography has appeared in numerous publications including Photographing the Southwest Volume 3 – A guide to the natural landmarks of Colorado & New Mexico, Taos Green Guide, New Mexico Magazine, Su Casa Magazine, Recreation Guide to Northern New Mexico, and The Luminous Landscape. His photography has also been used in support of environmental & conservation awareness issues. His work has been exhibited from fine-art galleries, to national parks and a state capitol.
Adam has received numerous awards and accolades including the Luminous Landscape Endowment . In the winter of 2009, Adam was the Artist-in-Residence on the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park.