
Clare Ferguson-Walker

Carmarthen, Wales, United Kingdom

I was born in 1978 in the beautiful countryside of West Wales and have lived here all my life. I have two gorgeous kids and a husband who also happens to be my best freind. I have a home based studio from which I produce all my works and am lucky enough to work with the best mouldmakers and casters around. Life is a constant juggling act between work and family, with the odd glass of wine easing things along! Producing artwork has become a hugley relevent part of my life, I feel that I couldn't do anything else now, it's a painstaking proccess which requires massive dedication and patience, but the paybacks are worth all the effort. I feel that I am making my stamp on this world, my works will be around for a lot longer than me, and somehow take on a life of their own, in that sense I feel that I am a willing slave to their production!

Books by Clare Ferguson-Walker