
Dylan Tauber


Dylan Tauber is an award winning electronic musician, cyberartist, photographer, and author, who has been based in NYC, Jerusalem, Miami, a remote island in the south western Pacific, and now in northern Israel.

Dylan Tauber has been producing music, artwork, and writing since he began his prolific 22 year career in 1996 with the ambitious Double Mirrors anthology, which includes a book, video slide shows, soundtrack, and companion website at www.DoubleMirrors.com. The Double Mirrors project evolves years later, as Tauber continues to explore the cyber-spiritual revolution.

In addition to releasing twelve ambient / electronica / trance music albums (all 12 for free download) through his Son of Waves Studios music label, Dylan runs a network of twenty websites which include an online imaging / photo gallery, and a video archive. This network of websites has reached over 2.5 million page views since 1996.

Dylan completed a circle around the planet from 2000-2001.

Books by Dylan Tauber