
autum romano

Colorado Springs, Colorado

My massage therapy practice began in 1997 and I have logged over 17,000 massages. I currently offer trauma-informed bodywork integrating Dr. Porges' Safe and Sound Protocol. I have done dozens of additional trainings over the years and am a constant student. I completed the iLS Safe and Sound Protocol and Focus System training in 2019. I live in the Old North End of Colorado Springs with my husband Daniel Romano and our son Foster.

Areas of Expertise

My current areas of expertise are: neuromuscular massage therapy, myofascial release, orthopedic manual therapy, Reiki energy work, trauma-informed bodywork, Polyvagal Theory, Integrated Listening Systems's Safe and Sound Protocol And Focus System, PTSD, neurodiversity, twice-exceptionality,and kettlebell weight lifting.

Professional Affiliations

Alumni of Colorado Institute of Massage Therapy
Integrated Listening System Associate
Safe and Sound Protocol Provider
Namasta member
International Kettebell and Fitness Federation teacher

Books by autum romano