My massage therapy practice began in 1997 and I have logged over 17,000 massages. I currently offer trauma-informed bodywork integrating Dr. Porges' Safe and Sound Protocol. I have done dozens of additional trainings over the years and am a constant student. I completed the iLS Safe and Sound Protocol and Focus System training in 2019. I live in the Old North End of Colorado Springs with my husband Daniel Romano and our son Foster.
Areas of Expertise
My current areas of expertise are: neuromuscular massage therapy, myofascial release, orthopedic manual therapy, Reiki energy work, trauma-informed bodywork, Polyvagal Theory, Integrated Listening Systems's Safe and Sound Protocol And Focus System, PTSD, neurodiversity, twice-exceptionality,and kettlebell weight lifting.
Professional Affiliations
Alumni of Colorado Institute of Massage Therapy
Integrated Listening System Associate
Safe and Sound Protocol Provider
Namasta member
International Kettebell and Fitness Federation teacher