We are compulsive overeaters. As far back as either of us can remember, we ate as though there was a hungry child inside of us who could never get enough. We were overweight as children and on track to being overweight and unhappy about it for the rest of our lives. We used food in ways that stifled our emotional development and threatened our physical health.
When we walked into our first Overeaters Anonymous meetings we were on our way to learning how to lovingly and effectively parent those hungry Inner Children. Eventually we would be able to know what they truly wanted when they acted ravenous.
This book is an accessible, simply-worded guide to working the Twelve Steps of Overeaters Anonymous. It's written for a range of ages and experience in recovery—from long-timers to those with no prior exposure to the Steps. Each chapter contains prompts for using art to explore the Twelve Steps in a creative way, inviting a playful, childlike self to emerge.