
Lea Goldman

South Bend, IN

I am a full time painter and printmaker. My work is narrative in nature with close attention to abstract elements such as composition, texture, and form. My interest in multi-cultural traditions, legends, and folklore evolved into a personal mythology, constantly developing, and expressed in an array of art images and materials.

I earned an MA in Art and Education from Columbia University Teacher’s College, New York City, and an MFA in Studio Arts from California State University Los Angeles.

My prints and paintings have been exhibited in museums and galleries throughout the country, have received many awards, and were featured in numerous solo shows. My prints are included in the Midwest Museum of American Art Permanent Collection.

At this time I exhibit my work in the Conversation Series 2020 show, with Sarah Martin. It takes place in the 4000 feet large Warner Gallery at the South Bend Museum of Art.

Books by Lea Goldman