My business inspires you to your greatness, your path to happiness through inspirational, motivational speaking, video blogging, my podcast, “Love Talk With Kira”, or from my books, programs and dating advice. Communication is key to your path to happiness whether while dating, in relationships with a partner or in general life experiences. My business inspires how to open up, release your pocket of sunshine, learn to communicate in order to walk down the path towards your happiness!! You’ll get easy to use, quick tips that you can use immediately, so take action, join in the magic as your dreams become a reality! Let the fireworks begin!!
Areas of Expertise
Inspirational Speaking
Dating Advice
Video blogging
Podcast, “Love Talk With Kira”
Professional Affiliations
KAH Enterprises
Jack Canfield
John Grey
Adam Gilad’s
(Boldness Code for Men)
(Intimacy University)
(Attract Connect Inspire programs)
(Book club)
Michael Fiore’s
(Digital Romance/Programs)
Kim Seltzer’s programs
(Kimberly Seltzer Style)
Brian Howie’s
(Great Love Debate)
Social medias
Stan Tatkin
Orna and Matthew
Jon Sinn
James Bauer
Michael Webb
Miricle Manefestation
David Deida
Dr. Jack Brown
Mathew Cooke
Dr. Ben Michaelis
Grant Langston CEO eHarmony