Tana Helfer Herbert, a native Californian, began traveling to Africa at the age of six. Having been born in to the family business, Tana was raised to live with and ultimately work with, 1800 exotic animals, with solely ‘affection training’ techniques- the practice created by the Helfers that revolutionized the animal industry and was subsequently popularized by the media in the 1960s. Ms. Herbert stepped out of the limelight to concentrate on her family and alternative areas of animal welfare. In 1997 she became the Executive Director of Wildlife Awareness Foundation; in 2000 she conducted a Global Solidarity conference at the United Nations on behalf of animals internationally; in 2003 she took on the role as Executive Director of the Jane Goodall Institute, in Kenya, East Africa, and when time allowed, she acted as a guest lecturer on Animal Behaviorism and Affection Training. She has worked in the safari industry for over 30 years and is the subject of multiple media publications.