Alvin Dorsey is a proud disabled veteran of the United States Air Force, whose life story is as compelling as it is inspiring. With a deep-rooted passion for Japanese anime, Alvin finds joy and creativity in the vibrant worlds and intricate storylines that this genre offers. His companions, two loyal Pit Bull Terriers named Shadow and Faith, are not just pets but cherished members of his family, bringing love and excitement into his everyday life.
Alvin's professional journey is marked by his expertise as an IT Specialist, a field where his technical skills and problem-solving abilities have shone brightly. This background in technology complements his lifelong interest in writing, a passion he has nurtured since his earliest days. After years of honing his craft, Alvin has taken the significant step of getting his work published, sharing his unique voice and perspectives with a broader audience.
At his core, Alvin is a true nerd at heart, a trait that he wears as a badge of honor.