Born prematurely in Mountain view CA in 1982. My mother is and artist a vary kind person, but she struggled with an alcohol problem. My father was not so kind. He kidnapped me when I was two took me back east. My Mom got me back and I did not see pops again till I was 14, which was a good thing. Outside I appear to be a charming young woman, but inside I struggle like everyone else. I love good bloody horror movies. I have a passion for food, the cooking part. And I love picking up a guitar and making it sing. I love making things with my hands making something from nothing. I love the art of mother nature and the art of a humans tortured mind. I am an adrenaline junkie. I love the person I'm with, in a perfect world he would be mine forever. Just the two of us on a tropical island, and whatever we needed magically appeared out of thin air.