Crossing Geeren-Zuid Ebook
Urban Exploration. E6 Film and my F100 Nikon, Breda the Netherlands
by Melanie Rijkers
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About the Ebook
Traces of Silence Series on the demolition of social housing buildings in Geeren-Zuid Breda the Netherlands, commissioned by Singelveste/Alleewonen corp. Photographer Melanie E. Rijkers tries to capture the spirit of the people who lived there. The houses aren't very big and often similar in lay out, resulting in funny sets with the same, but slightly different, bathroom and attic photos.
The use of analog photography technique called cross processing with E6 Kodachrome film, creates brighter colors and grain, a more suitable and authentic look matching the former residents' colorful identities. Part of Silence Stills, Eyespiration project.
The use of analog photography technique called cross processing with E6 Kodachrome film, creates brighter colors and grain, a more suitable and authentic look matching the former residents' colorful identities. Part of Silence Stills, Eyespiration project.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Architecture
- Additional Categories Netherlands, Arts & Photography Books
- Version Fixed-layout ebook, 60 pgs
- Publish Date: Aug 31, 2012
- Last edit Jan 21, 2023
- Language English
- Keywords film, photography, cross, processing, analog
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About the Creator
Eyespiration by Artstudio23
Melanie E. Rijkers [1971] is a Life Coach and Visual Consultant. She doesn't 'take' a photo, but SEES it. Storytelling and traveling to events are her favorite. Please join one of her Miksang Contemplative Photography Workhops or Bali Retreats. Melanie's married to photographer Hans van Nunen [1967], they both live and work in Breda. Artstudio23, Backer & Rueb building unit 006, Speelhuislaan 173, Breda, the Netherlands.